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I Living Lab 2022

"How robotics can help the microalgae cultivation in bio-waste recycling"


Introductory week

First, a question was asked: What do you think of this ILL's video pitch?

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The answer was given anonymously, and there were numerous reactions to it. During this week, Carla Santos and Valentin Ciupe, educational entrepreneurs, presented all students to the initiative and helped them understand its aims. The students participated in the study came from several EUDRES partner nations, including Hungary, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, and Romania.

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There are breakout sessions in which students work in pairs to discuss three future skills that they wish to achieve or improve, as well as the level at which those future skills are now at. My future skills selection in order was

Level 2

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At the end of the meeting, the students were assigned a duty of creating a personal card to publish in basecamp so that we could get to know each other better, since we needed to include our educational background, hobbies, and interests. There is also a task to identify the agro-industry in each of the represented countries in order to prepare a presentation on the biowaste accessible.

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Understanding microalgae and biowaste week

Presentation about the Hungarian agro-industry.

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Brainstorming week

This week's brainstorming session will focus on ways to incorporate robotics into microalgae cultivation. Several measures had been done, and the concept was represented in the image below.

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Presentation week

The presentation was for students to describe the progress and how robots may help with microalgae cultivation, as well as what sort of biowaste should be considered for microalgae feed. The presentation was also for the invited guests who had expertise with microalgae to provide comments and advise on the approach that we had taken.

Ideation week

Following the presentation week, the idea must be developed further, with suggestions on various alternatives for measuring the influencing factors that affect microalgae growth. This was explored, and a basic experiment was created to be explored before finalising the prototype.

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Finalised prototype week

The finished prototype had been created. In addition, we had reviewed the prototype's strengths and drawbacks for future reference but had reached an agreement with the educational entrepreneurs.

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Poster and video week

A poster and video had been produced, created, and published as part of the EUDRES I Living Lab requirement.

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Thoughts and experience with I Living Lab

These are the most memorable two months of my life, with a new way to give back to society. The I Living Lab topic was chosen for me despite the fact that I have no knowledge of it. It was completely unrelated to my subject of study, food science. I've learned a lot about myself and my teammates. The goal of this I living Lab is to help us acquire future skills. I might state that my future talents had been developed meticulously.


We conducted a private meeting outside of the normal meeting hours to work on the ideas, poster, video, and prototypes. These had helped us improve our teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills. Carla Santos and Valentin Ciupe, educational entrepreneurs, have been really helpful in providing us with knowledge of both backgrounds, microalgae and robotics. Their expertise provided us with input and methods to motivate and inspire us to build and produce the prototype that we had acquired.


This project has already shown me how crucial biowaste is and how it may help us all live in a better world. The integration of robots and science appears to be impossible, but as the saying goes, "anything is possible," and I can assure you that we did. I hope we all stay in touch with my fellow amazing colleagues and educational entrepreneurs; perhaps we might collaborate on a project in the near future.


Thank you for a wonderful experience! 

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