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About Me


Abdul Hannan is a first-year PhD student in Food Science, concentrating in Sensory Analysis, advised by Dr Attila Gere and Dr Zoltán Kókai from the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE). His studies were fully covered as he was awarded the Stipendium Hungaricum fully funded scholarship year 2021/2022 until he finished his PhD. His research focuses on gastrophysics, with particular interests in food product development, consumer behaviour, statistics and neuromarketing (Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking) studies. Abdul Hannan is currently working on developing a virtual reality environment to apply in consumer sensory analysis.


Abdul Hannan earned his Master of Science (MSc) degree in Food Safety and Quality Engineering from University of Debrecen, Hungary in 2021. He also received the Stipendium Hungaricum fully funded scholarship year 2019/2020 during his study and his master’s thesis, entitled Comparative Study of Physicochemical Properties and Multi-Elemental Composition of Malaysian Tualang Honey, Hungarian Acacia and Lime Honey. During his studies, he was involved with Erasmus Student Network Debrecen which he had been appointed as a mentor to guide and help students.


Abdul Hannan majored in Culinology focused on food product development at Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, Malaysia. After receiving his bachelor's degree, Abdul Hannan worked as a Food Research and development executive from a well-known food company in Malaysia for two years. His passion for the food industry thrived him to an interest in understanding consumer behaviour in relation to sensorial sciences drives him forward further into innovation, creativity and food safety. He defined himself as adaptable, ambitious, self-motivated, confident, down-to-earth, team-oriented and accomplish tasks on time.



Sept 2021 - Aug 2025 (Expected)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 

Doctoral School of Food Science

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), Budapest, Hungary


Aug 2014 - Dec 2017

Bachelor of Science Honours. (BSc. Hons) 


Taylor's University Lakeside Campus,        Subang Jaya, Malaysia


Sept 2019 - June 2021

Master of Science (MSc.)

Food Safety and Quality Engineering

University of Debrecen (UD),                    Debrecen, Hungary

Mar 2012 - Jul 2014

Diploma (Dip.) / Associate Degree

Pastry and Bakery

Food Institute of Malaysia (FIM),                   Kelana Jaya. Malaysia

Honours and Awards


Sept 2021 - Aug 2025 (Expected)

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship 2021/22


A bilateral agreement between Malaysia and the Hungarian  Government.

Result: Scholarship Awarded for PhD


Sept 2019 - June 2021

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship 2019/20


A bilateral agreement between Malaysia and the Hungarian  Government.

Result: Scholarship Awarded for MSc


2017 RCA Student Culinology® Competition 

Mar 2017

2017 RCA Student Culinology® Competition 
(Savoury Category)

San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
Research Chef Association (RCA), USA
Representing Malaysia

Result: 1st Place (Champion)
Winning Dish: 
Pastelon de Platano con el Picadillo Pavo y Salsa de Mango Picante (Plantain Pastelon with Turkey Picadillo and Spicy Mango Sauce) 

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